The new TV show, called 'Famous Friends' is hosted by sibling actors James and Oliver Phelps, who portrayed the Weasley twins in the Harry Potter films. The six-part travel series sees James and Oliver travel the world to different destinations, starting with Saint Lucia. In each episode they meet a famous friend and together they discover new landscapes, cultures and take part in some fun challenges along the way.
In Saint Lucia, the first episode, they meet actress Maisie Williams (Arya Stark in Game of Thrones). Adventure is at the heart of their visit as they zipline through the rainforest, hike mountains and try out jungle biking.
James Phelps said: “Saint Lucia has so much to offer so it was the perfect location for us to start our Fantastic Friends series. Not only did we find brilliant things to do from ziplining and mountain climbing to chocolate crafting, but the people were incredibly welcoming and kind. Saint Lucia has it all for a great time.”
In the series, produced by Dash Pictures, the Phelps brothers visit far flung places including Saint Lucia, Iceland, Poland, Ireland and Dubai to discover what makes each one unique with some of their famous friends, including fellow Harry Potter actors Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright and Luke Youngblood. Saint Lucia is known for its natural beauty with the iconic Pitons, the lush rainforest and one of the world's only drive-in volcanoes.
Lorine Charles-St.Jules, CEO of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority said: “It was our absolute pleasure to welcome Oliver, James, Maisie and the crew to Saint Lucia and help them discover our island and meet our people. We are well-known as a honeymoon destination so it's a great opportunity for us to show another side of our Saint Lucian culture, food and scenery.'
James and Oliver Phelps and Maisie Williams stayed at Cap Maison and Jade Mountain, both resorts will also feature in the programme.
For more information on Saint Lucia visit
Fantastic Friends launches on Thursday 11th April at 8.10pm on Virgin TV, UHD channel (Ch175 / Ch999). Watch live or find it in Catch Up. Full House, Maxit, MegaTV and Mix customers with a Virgin TV 360 or V6 box, powered by Tivo, as well as customers with Stream from Virgin Media can all watch the show.