Tags: Visitjyvaskylaregion, award, Recognition, Lakeland Finland, Finnish lakeland, visitfinland, Finlande
According to Susanne Rasmus, tourism director of Visit Jyväskylä Region, this year’s award emphasizes exemplary cooperation skills and versatile and long-term development of one’s own tourism operations in areas such as internationality, digitalization, and responsibility.
“Jenni Numminen and the activities of Karkausmäen Kammari in northern Central Finland can be called exemplary in many ways. In the development work, the requirements of the tourism operating environment have been taken into account, and various aspects of responsibility have been emphasized, and efforts have been made to respond to the challenges of digital purchasing paths, discoverability, and sales. Numminen has also led her company towards international markets and, for example, completed Visit Jyväskylä Region’s year-long internationalization path,” said Rasmus.
“I’m thrilled and very grateful that small businesses like ours are also remembered,” commented Jenni Numminen, the entrepreneur of Karkausmäen Kammari, on the recognition award.
Karkausmäen Kammari offers accommodation services near Salamajärvi National Park in Kinnula, Jyväskylä Region. The guesthouse has 10 beds and a glamping tent is also available in the summer. The surrounding nature plays an important role in all the activities.
“The existence of Salamajärvi National Park and the cooperation there is vital to us”, emphasizes Numminen.
Karkausmäen Kammari’s operations started in 2015, and the company has been developed gradually as the number of customers has increased. Numminen emphasizes the importance of cooperation in his business.
“There is no point in doing everything alone and by yourself. I have been active myself in that I have joined all kinds of things and projects, which have brought a lot of network.”
For example, Karkausmäen Kammari’s food services have been implemented in cooperation with a local entrepreneur, as well as, for example, the pampering treatments that can be purchased in connection with the accommodation. This year, a joint product of several actors, Syvänmaa (Deep land in English) with all senses, was born as a result of the Syvänmaa project. Together, they also aim for international growth.
“Without all these cooperation companies and networks, we would not be at this point, that I can raise a salary for myself.”
In addition to cooperation, Numminen considers self-development and training important. Next, the entrepreneur is going to do a special vocational qualification in business with the theme of a digital expert in international tourism. Numminen has been clear from the beginning of his operations that the company’s products must be available online. He has also encouraged other tourism entrepreneurs to do so.