16 May 2016
Atout France Announces New UK & Ireland Press Officer for Normandy

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Atout France

16 May 2016. Atout France is please to anounce that Fran Lambert has commenced her role as UK & Ireland Press Officer for Normandy in the UK office of Atout France. Fran brings to the role four years of experience in PR and communicationss, and will act as the first point of contact and liaison between the British travel/food media and Normandy. She is tasked with exploring new avenues across the UK press and social media, as well as developing existing channels, to promote Normandy tourism to the UK market.

Ahead of her appointment, Fran worked as Press Officer for the UK office of government agency Business France, where she managed both internal and commercial communications and marketing. She has also worked in the tourism department at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and the media relations team at the Press Association in London.

Fran has a deep understanding of and appreciation for the region of Normandy and its historic and cultural roots. She is looking forward to getting to know and working closely with the British travel/food media.

About Atout France

Atout France - France Tourism Development Agency is responsible for promoting the development of the tourism industry, the country's largest economic sector. Atout France's primary mission is to maintain a detailed and permanent system for monitoring and analysing supply and demand in the tourist market. Atout France is also committed to promoting destinations and works with its partners to further tourism in France. This is achieved through marketing campaigns, online promotion and working closely with the travel trade sector. Atout France works in partnership with public and private organisations and companies involved in the tourism industry, both in France and within the UK and Ireland. It develops its missions internationally through a network of 35 offices located in 32 countries. Atout France is represented in the UK and Ireland from its office in London, which employs 16 staff.


For further information, please contact:

Fran Lambert, UK & Ireland Press Officer for Normandy

Atout France - France Tourism Development Agency

Lincoln House, 300 High Holborn, London WC1V 7JH, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)20 7061 6637 | Email: fran.lambert@atout-france.fr

Web: www.france.fr | www.normandy-tourism.org

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